If you want to prepare effectively for the NIFT exam, we at IID can help you clear it the next time through our comprehensive workshops and focused curriculum.

If you want to prepare effectively for the NIFT exam, we at IID can help you clear it the next time through our comprehensive workshops and focused curriculum.
If you’re planning to start your journey as a fashion designer, you should consider contacting us at IID, as we provide comprehensive NIFT and NATA coaching classes in Pune.
In the last decade, the retail world has evolved enormously, opening the way for new careers in fashion. One of the latest positions is that of a data scientist.
The National Institute of Fashion Technology is one of India’s leading institutes fostering excellence in architecture, technology and management, which has created talents and artists who make a major contribution to global fashion.
Fashion design is one of the most popular courses among students from all walks of life in today’s India. And while most people might be of the opinion that fashion designing is not such a desirable course,
In this article, we have covered the new dates for NATA 2020 and provided useful tips you can use while preparing for this exam.
In this article, we have discussed all the details that students should know while applying to this institute.
Here’s a glimpse of some of the career options you can look forward to if you’re an aspiring fashion student. For more info visit our website.
If you are preparing for B.Arch entrance exams then you should also attempt NATA and JEE Paper 2. IID students have a special benefit as we offer offline and online learning facility with comprehensive preparation techniques.
If you are preparing for B.Arch entrance exams then you should also attempt NATA and JEE Paper 2. IID students have a special benefit as we offer offline and online learning facility with comprehensive preparation techniques.