Interior design fads come and go, much like those in the fashion industry. You would have seen how different your grandparents’ house is from yours, and no doubt the next generation has its trends.

 Interior design trends of a certain decade may be easily identified by looking back at historical examples from that period. Find out the answer to “how has interior design evolved throughout the years?” today. 

Here are a few examples of how interior design has evolved through time, both recently and in the past:

Changes in Interior Design Over Time: The 1970s

In most 1970s houses, the living room showcased the home’s most prominent features. You could know it as a den or family room; either way, it was meant to be a gathering place that made an impact. The decade of the 1970s was characterized by an explosion of color, bold patterns, and an open attitude that found its way into pop culture and interior design.

Simply said, the bulk of the color scheme of a home’s design from that period was comprised of warm colors like brown, blue, orange, and red. Also typical of 1970s architecture and interior design were shag carpets, floral patterns, an open floor plan, woodgrain and sandstone accents, and rich wall and ceiling textures. Smooth surfaces, acrylic materials, colorful patterns on the walls and floors, wood finishes, and glass tops are some of the things that design professionals recall most fondly from the 1970s.

Changes in Interior Design Over Time: The 1980s

Although the usage of vivid 1970s-era color palettes in interior design went out of style in the 1980s, the basic principles of modern architecture and furniture design were preserved. By the 1980s, softer, more natural tones had replaced the vivid colors so fashionable in the 1970s. Entertainment devices such as TVs, radios, and even DVD players have become standard in most homes as technology has advanced. How has interior design evolved throughout time? This is a topic this article promises to address.

There was a shift away from having carpet in the living room, and it was instead mostly found in bedrooms. Strong yellows and scarlet reds were used. Livspace reports that the open floor layouts and modern, angular furnishings are still prevalent. Furniture made out of polypropylene rather than more expensive real wood and construction materials went viral, and checkered floor patterns for kitchens were all the rage.

Changes in Interior Design Over Time: The 1990s

During the 1990s, there was a dramatic movement away from the bold color combinations and sharp angles that had characterized modern design in the decades previous. The present digital age and the Internet were in their infancy. As a result, technological advances greatly influenced the development of indoor architectural plans. Many popular trends from the ’90s are still popular today; for example, many modern Livspace houses have a distinctly ’90s look and feel.

The designers paired the unadorned, natural furniture with subdued beige and yellow tones, reflecting the philosophy that utility should always come before form. Wood and woven materials added a rustic touch to the interior design. The wallpapers, wicker furniture, decorative paintings, and patterns used in the 1990s further illustrate the development of interior decoration through time. In the second half of the 1990s, natural wood worktops and cabinetry became the norm in kitchens.

Changes in Interior Design Over Time: The 2000s

Combining modern with old is one of the most notable shifts in interior design in the 2000s. The industrial design saw its heyday during this period. The decor here is an interesting mix of modern and antique elements. Traditional wooden furniture designs in a contemporary industrial house setting is a good illustration of how interior design evolved in the 2000s.

The people favored understated elegance over flashy patterns and elaborate designs. The modern, industrial, minimalistic style was the most significant trend of the 2000s.

Changes in Interior Design Over Time: The 2010s

In what ways has the style of homes altered in the 2010s? Suddenly, everyone seemed to have a mobile phone, and they used it to control everything electronic in their homes. The homes also started developing into “smart homes.” The ‘2000s,’ or ‘millennial,’ saw a shift toward a softer, more natural color palette in interior design. Furniture continued to be multifunctional and utilitarian to accommodate people’s dynamic lives even as homes gradually refined and simplified.

The most widely adopted styles in interior decoration were those of Scandinavian minimalism, rustic decor, and neutral wall colors. During this decade, houses started to seem more like homes.

Emerging Trends That Are Shaping the 2020s

Recent years have seen unprecedented shifts in global conditions. Properties in India fall into two categories: privately owned and rented. The private residences are still as luxurious and stylish as ever. But rental apartments are constructed with functionality rather than aesthetics since the emphasis is on making the most of a limited amount of space.

Consequently, retro lifestyles are becoming more popular, focusing on individual expression rather than conformity to the past. The main attraction is the exposed brick walls, TV units, and chimneys in these spaces. Also prominent are the use of neutral wall colors, the farmhouse/cottage look, Scandinavian minimalism, and the overall rustic environment. As a result of the proliferation of home design publications, popular design trends like Pantone colors have been more accessible to the general public.


Becoming an interior designer in India can be extremely lucrative, but it is also a very competitive market. To make your mark in this industry, you need to know how to combine trends across generations and create your style that is distinctive and matches the client’s requirements. Think about getting the knowledge, experience, and certification required to become a professional interior designer so you can hone your creative abilities. At Ideaa Institute, we offer government-certified digital interior design courses that can help you throughout your journey. So, if you want to build a lucrative career in interior designing, we at IID can help.