Benjamin Franklin once said: “By failing to prepare, you are preparing to fail.”

Preparing for an exam is very crucial as it has the power to define future.Preparation is a stepping stone in everyone’s life which helps us to attain our goals. Preparing for NATA can be very easy if one follows a proper plan and strategy.

Below mentioned are few preparation tips will help all to overcome the exam phobia

    1. The first and foremost thing is to familiarise self with the exam pattern, syllabus, number of questions from each section, frequently asked questions, most important topics etc.few other skills which need to be developed while studying are imagination, perception, visualization skills, observational skills, general awareness, analytical ability, sense of perspective drawing etc. Developing these skills is also important apart from regular practice.
    2. Timing is also an important factor- With drawing & creative skills one has to be able to present their thoughts in limited amount of time. Assigning time to thumbnail sketches, drawing and colouring is equally important as visualising and presenting the thoughts on paper.
    3. S need to use A4 size paper. Using the paper space efficiently is another factor to be kept in mind while composing. Use of entire available paper space is a quality which indicates confidence. In questions requiring drawing, always draw with a light hand first, do the outline without the details. Once satisfied with the proportions; the rough outline, you may finalize it. Lot of time would be hence saved and can be used for colouring the sketch.Practice with colour pencils as they are convenient to use and take less time in exams.Keep practicing your skills by doodling every day, sketch out buildings, interior views, exterior views, day to day objects etc. This helps to improve the drawing ability.
    4. It is important for students to understand that drawing, erasing and redrawing eventually leaves mark on paper making it look shabbier. Thus minimal use of eraser should be done while drawing. Bold lines with long stokes indicate confidence. So, drawing confidently with minimal use of eraser is a must.
    5. Mugging up G.K. books won’t help in longer run. Being aware of the construction work happening around you, by reading the newspapers regularly. Increase your observation power. Try to find out and read about famous architects, their works & how they have contributed to the field of architecture. Read books / magazines & develop a genuine passion for the field.
    6. Try and solve papers of previous years. Solve at least 10- 20 papers within the time limit. Solving previous years question papers helps students familiar with the paper pattern.
    7. Focus on Aesthetic Sensitivity- The second paper is based on the aesthetic sensitivity of the aspirant. It is a computer-based exam or can also be called as the online test.
    8. Time management for course is very crucial. Do not start preparing for NATA a month before exam. The last month is ideal for revision. Students pursuing 12th standard must plan their time well for Nata and other entrance exams. Use your time effectively with a time table. Don’t start your preparations after you finish your XII boards – The earlier the better.

Following a schedule, study, is of utmost importance, but keeping the head cool is more important. Thus, relax, breathe inn, breathe out, take a break, enjoy the process, give in your best and chase your dreams!!